5 February Favorites

Hey There!

This past couple weeks have had me in such a good mood because the weather has been absolutely phenomenal. I have been able to wear shorts and have my windows open…in the middle of winter in the midwest. However, I think the change in weather is what is responsible for me getting a cold this past week. Now I am just left with a pesky cough and a stuffy nose. Regardless though, I will take that for some good weather and a chance to get my Vitamin D.

It is nearly the end of February (which is absolutely crazy!) so I thought I would just share a few favorites from this month.

  1. Bite Matte Creme Lip Crayon- color Cafe

      I have been absolutely obsessed with Bite lip crayons since Christmas when my little sister spoiled me and got me the gift set of 4. I can apply the color early in the morning drink coffee/tea all morning and it will still be in place and radiant well into the afternoon. Cafe has definitely my most used this month because it is an everyday shade and it really adds to normal make-up. I highly suggest heading to Sephora to play around with all of the colors.

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2. Yogi Cinnamon Vanilla Tea

I love love love tea and coffee just like many other college students who are trying to survive. I am usually just a green tea and lemon kind of gal, but when I had to cut caffeine out I was looking for something to satisfy my sweet tooth in place of my usual caramel macchiato. I also am a huge fan of Yogi because each of the tea bags have a cute, motivational message at the end.

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3. Essie- For the Twill of Things

Okay, so I bought this color last year as part of the winter collection I believe and I absolutely love it. It is not just one color, but rather is more of a color that has multiple colors. As much as I love dark colors I am ready for summer so I can wear my white nail polish again.Screen Shot 2016-02-29 at 7.55.21 AM.png

4. Favorite Song At The Moment- Talk by Tori Kelly and Pillowtalk by Zayn

Go give them a listen. They are very different, but I like ’em.


5. Favorite Quote of The Moment- “You can do anything, but not everything”

I am definitely one who has a hard time saying no and I want to help out as many people as possible, but I have a pretty rough schedule. The month was the first time I actually had to quit something because I was just too overwhelmed and I was not getting anything out of it. I felt absolutely terrible and I felt like I was letting them down, but everyone understood and I am must happier now.

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Let’s all have a kick butt week and start March off right!

XO Aud

Morning Routine: Coffee and Lemon Lavender Scones

Hey There,

I hope all of you have had a good week! For me this week has been extremely crazy, stressful, and busy. I am now in my second semester of nursing school and I have quite a full course load as I have mentioned before. I had two tests this week and clinical so I was running on minimal amounts of sleep, but it paid off when I nearly aced both of them.

I have talked about how I am one for routine before and that I enjoy taking a break in the evening to do something for myself and that usually involves a short nap or a bit of exercise just to relax and refocus. Well, this semester getting up early and starting my day off with time to myself has been working out well.

I generally wake up at 5:15 or 5:30, roll out of bed and head to the gym once I put my contacts in. Once in the gym I generally put in 30-45 minutes of cardio/yoga and then hop in the shower. After I get ready for the day I wander up to the hill (campus) where I find my spot in the coffee shop’s corner. It’s usually 7:15 when I get up there so I have about an hour and forty-five minutes before my first class. I use this time to scroll through twitter, get ahead on an assignment or just scroll through Pinterest. I always get an iced coffee or hot tea, but rarely anything else. Well, I was feeling bold and got a lemon lavender scone and oh. my. gosh. it was absolutely fantastic!! They only had it for that day, but I hope they bring it back soon so I can get another one.

Moral of the story though, while routine can be a bad thing if you are not willing to ever break it, it can also be a good thing because when there is a lot of chaos and craziness going on in life a simple routine can be what keeps you from going absolutely insane.

Sucker For a Good Romance

Hello There,

This past Friday the newest Nicholas Sparks movie, ‘The Choice’, was released and me being my hopeless romantic self of course I went to go see it. I was afraid that I was going to end up going alone, but my Little came in at the last second and saved me. Before the movie of course we went to Hyvee and got a ton of candy (mostly chocolate) because college budget haha.

Anyways, we went to an early showing so there was no one in the theater and we were able to stretch out; oh, and we were the youngest ones in the theater who was surprising. The movie is about 2 hours long, but it never really drags. The romance is fantastic and the main male character Travis’ southern charm is absolutely heart warming. Yes, of course there is a semi typical story line and you can see some of the same features from other Sparks movies, which I think is neat. There is definitely a bit of a twist that is heart wrenching and caused tears to flow from both my eyes and my Little’s eyes. I won’t go into much more detail about that, but if you are looking for a movie to drag your significant other to this Valentine’s weekend I highly recommend it!