WOW, and Just Like That Junior Year Was Over

Hey There,

I know this seems to be a reoccurring theme, but I apologize for not posting frequently but life sure gets crazy when you are busy procrastinating final and papers, working to try and pay for the IV of coffee you will need to cram for those finals you spent procrastinating. With that though, I have finished my junior year of college and while I was watching this years seniors walk across the stage I couldn’t help wanting to cry, not because they were leaving, but because in exactly one year that would be me. In one year I will be leaving behind the place that in the past three years has become my home where I get to eat lunch with my best friends every day, who I only have to walk about 10 feet down the hall to see the people that matter most, and the place that I can’t actually get work done in the PLC. I know the relationships I have formed in the past couple years won’t fade, but we won’t be as close physically every day so that is what I will miss, but that does mean Sunday Brunches with mimosas and Saturday night stories.

Going into this semester people said it would be the hardest semester yet so I definitely buckled down and prepared for the storm, but honestly it was not as terrible as I thought. I did have to work for my grades, but I still managed to pull off a very solid 4.0 earning my spot back on the Dean’s List. With a successful semester I also got offered to be an RA {Resident’s Assistant} next year in the building where I first lived. In addition to that, I have just started working at a hospital as a clinical associate. I will have a lot on my plate semester with 20 hours and those two commitments, but next year is bound to be a blast regardless.

With this semester over and some fun memories in the book I look forward to having some more adventures this summer with my Little and her boyfriend when I am not at summer school, my marketing internship, or work…summer may not be what it was when I was little {pool days, naps, and too much tv}, but after a long day I am sure down to enjoy a glass a wine now that I am 21.

I pray and hope that I will post more frequently because I am planning to have some good nights.


